13 November 2022

Announcement winner 9th Sybren Hellinga Art Prize


Foto: Sjoerd Knol

The jury of the Sybren Hellinga Art Prize 2022 is very pleased to announce Peter Scherrebeck Hansen as the winner of this 9th edition.

From the jury report
“As we walked into Peter’s space one by one, we all took part in their performance. They invited us in a very subtle way to enter the work, to become part of something intimate yet resonating with the political. We were touched by the intimate gestures of singing into each other’s bodies, echoing each other’s voices, and sharing bodily memories. We were very impressed to see how with minimal means Peter created a gesture, a performance, and an installation that is so powerful on both the personal intimate level as well as daring to speak about bigger topics that concern us all.”

Biography winner
Peter Scherrebeck Hansen graduated from SNDO, School for New Dance Development, Amsterdam University of the Arts in 2022. Peter is a cellist, video artist and choreographer, who works from a queer feminist perspective. In their choreographic work Peter researches and carves out what they name “the paraspace” — a space for liminal beings of different times. Peter creates choreographic tableaux which dialogue between video, ceramics, voice and the praxis of calling upon and embodying female figures. With a starting point from the physical body and somatic practices, Peter is aiming to create choreographic containers for private and collective memories and their residues. A praxis where the body becomes a choreographic container itself.

The nominated artists
Benjamin Francis
Olivia D’Cruz
Peter Scherrebeck Hansen
Sarjon Azouz
Vita Soul Wilmering

The 9th edition of the Sybren Hellinga Art Prize brings together five artists from vastly different contexts; they come from Denmark, Goa, The Netherlands, Syria and have graduated in recent years from art schools in Amsterdam and Arnhem, Ghent and Groningen. The works presented at Kunsthuis SYB comprise various media including moving image, ceramics and textile. As the curator Titus Nouwens highlights in his essay, the works depart from personal or familial histories. Autobiography and fiction are intertwined in five multi-media installations of a strong performative nature. The notion of carrier is a recurring element in the exhibition. Nouwens takes the etymological origin carrier shares with career as a starting point to reflect on the relationship between the two concepts and how they refer to both moving and containing.

The exhibition is on view through Sunday, Dec. 4, and is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 5 pm.

On Thursday, December 1, Kunsthuis SYB will organize a public program with the nominees in collaboration with ROZENSTRAAT – a rose is a rose is a rose in Amsterdam. More info about the program will follow.

Vytautas Kumža (winner Sybren Hellinga Art Prize 2019)
Saskia Noor van Imhoff (visual artist)
Laurie Cluitmans (curator Centraal Museum in Utrecht)
Sanne Luteijn (manager The Ekard Residency)
Chair: Arnisa Zeqo (director of Kunsthuis SYB)

Read here the complete jury report